The definition of an autoimmune disease (AID) is, “a condition in which the body’s immune system mistakes its own healthy tissues as foreign and attacks them”. Either the immune system can’t distinguish from self and non-self, OR it is unable to regulate the intensity of the immune response. You cannot cure an AID, however, you can manage symptoms, slow down the progression, and put it into remission.

There are many different types of AID, such as (but not limited to) Rheumatoid Arthritis (attacks the joints, lungs, and skin), Psoriasis (attacks the skin cells), Systemic Lupus (attacks the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart, and lungs), Sjogren’s syndrome (attacks the exocrine glands, mostly tear and salivary glands), Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (attacks the pancreas), Graves or Hashimoto’s (attacks the thyroid), Ulcerative Colitis (attacks the colon), and Multiple Sclerosis (attacks the central nervous system). There are more AIDs I have not mentioned here. 

The onset and progression of AIDs are influenced by genetics, sex (more common in women), age, and modifiable factors such as diet, pathogen exposure, microbiome (gut) dysbiosis/imbalance, increased intestinal permeability, and inflammation. 

As you can see from the above graphic, all of the AIDs listed have intestinal permeability (leaky gut), with the majority presenting with dysbiosis (an imbalance of gut bacteria) and intestinal inflammation.

Therefore as a Naturopath, our main goal in treating any autoimmune condition is to treat the gut first and foremost, as well as lowering systemic inflammation. If money allows, we would order a stool test that goes into great detail about what is happening in the gut microbiome, and from there we would put an individualised treatment plan in place, involving diet therapy, lifestyle changes, supplements, and herbal medicines to heal the leaky gut, improve the imbalance of gut bacteria and lower gastrointestinal inflammation. Typically, treating the gut can take around 6-12 months (give or take).

If you have an autoimmune condition and would like to chat with me to see if I can help you, I offer a free 15 minutes consultation. Book here>


Naturopath Erin