I write this from a place of feeling stressed. And all I want to do is buy a packet of Tim Tams, polish off a bottle of wine, and sit on my phone and doom scroll. But being a Naturopath, I figure this probably isn’t an ideal solution (and it will make me and the situation 100 times worse, especially tomorrow).

So I will do this instead (and I suggest you do too when you’re stressed).

  1. Drop as many balls as you can; this may mean skipping housework, ordering Ubereats or giving the kids nuggets and chips for dinner, canceling any social plans you may have, calling in sick to work, taking a semester off uni, cutting back your hours at work, hiring help, etc, etc. You get my drift. Out of all the balls that you juggle every day, which ones could you drop where no one dies and you have less to do for a little while?
  2. Write a to-do list, and just do one thing off your list. Perhaps this is just me and my brain, but this helps me to feel like I’ve done something without having done much at all. A little sense of accomplishment can give you a dopamine hit.
  3. Eat basic but healthy food. Don’t poison yourself with processed food, sugar, and alcohol. Just don’t do it. You know you will feel shit afterward. Instead, eat something simple, yummy and won’t cause your body harm; a gluten-free toastie? Sushi? Dairy-free ice cream? Sakatas and hummus? A hot chocolate? A couple of Loco Love chocolates? Satisfy your comfort eating cravings, but please don’t self-sabotage. xx
  4. If you’re that way inclined, call a good friend or a relative and vent. Someone who will honour where you’re at, won’t offer annoying advice, and might even make you laugh.
  5. Laughter is the best medicine. For me anyway. Put a funny movie on, or listen to a funny, uplifting podcast. My current show I’m binging is Schitts Creek (yes, I’m very late to the party here!) and one of my fave “feel-good” podcasts is The Imperfects; great for a laugh and a mindset shift.
  6. Go to your local health food shop where a Naturopath is working, and ask them for a herbal medicine blend for stress and anxiety. My fave herbs for stress and anxiety are Withania somnifera, Melissa officinalis, Avena sativa, Piper methysticum, Crocus sativus, and Ziziphus jujuba. But PLEASE do not self-prescribe; herbal medicine is safe but may not be in the wrong hands, at the wrong dose.

I am currently seeing clients from @the.herbal.dispensary in Palm Beach and have access to an incredible herbal dispensary where I can make a safe and effective herbal just for you. For more information, you can send me an email: erin@balancewithnature.com.au or make an appointment here: https://balance-with-nature-naturopathy.simplecliniconline.com/diary



Naturopath Erin x