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    How we can help

    find your balance

    A bit about Erin

    Balance with Nature was created in 2015 to deliver health and wellness advice and products, from someone who has a balanced, holistic approach to life. A blend of eastern and western health philosophies. The Yin and the Yang. The 80/20 rule of living.

    Here’s the nitty gritty on me:

    • My name is Erin Rimmer and I live on the Gold Coast.
    • I have completed a Bachelor in Health Science (Naturopathy).
    • I am a certified meditation teacher with 10+ years experience.
    • I am a certified Life & Business Coach.
    • I have my levels 1 & 2 in Usui Reiki.
    • I am a single mumma to my beautiful daughter, (and fur-baby, Albert).

    I am a confident introvert, seeking recharge and energy from solitude, but absolutely love and adore my girlfriends who form a huge part of my life. If I’m not supporting my beautiful clients, I am researching the latest health information, upskilling my health offerings, checking out local bands and restaurants, catching up with friends, and moving my body daily through walking, yoga and reformer at my local studio on the Gold Coast.

    I have a deep-seated passion for helping others, and it is therefore my utmost privilege to help you uncover the missing pieces to your health puzzle to create a healing framework just for you.

    Thank you for stopping by. xx

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